Landscaping Resources
Wildland Urban Interface Plant List
Click here for the following publications:
Deer Resistant Ornamental Plants
Growing Cold Hardy Plants
Growing Currants
Growing Lilacs
Growing Shrub Roses
Maintaining Successful Lawns
Perennials and Biennials
What's Wrong With This Tree
Yard Water Management
Growing Succulents
Fire-Resistant Landscaping (WUI)

Fire-Resistant Landscaping Considerations for Montana’s Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
Wildfire is, has been, and always will be a part of Montana’s wild landscapes. As a result, many plants developed fireresilient adaptations, creating the foundation for fire adapted ecosystems. With human expansion into the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), the potential increases for impacts of wildland fire on communities and individuals. Learning about fire-resistant landscapes is an important component in reducing wildfire risk.
Need for Fire-Resistant Landscaping
Montana is often referred to as “the Last Best Place.” Many people enjoy living, recreating and visiting here. Communities are often located in or near undeveloped wildlands (forests, grasslands, etc), and in the past decades have expanded further into more remote and rugged terrain, increasing the presence of humans across wild landscapes. This area where human development meets with wildland vegetation fuels is referred to as the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI).
While closeness to the natural world is what people are seeking, they may be unprepared for some results of that closeness. Wildfire activity across the state for the past 20 years has shown a steady increase in average number of wildfires, as well as an increase in average annual acres burned.1 Increasingly common extreme-fire seasons are predicted for the future, with wildfire activity expected to increase across much of North America.2 It is important to increase awareness for people living in the WUI about increasing wildfire potential and exposure to wildfire risk.
Fire-resistant landscaping is recommended in the WUI to improve structure survivability (ability to remain intact without fire suppression response), as well as defensibility by firefighters. Research has shown wildfire spread into and within the WUI is through three predominant pathways: radiant exposure of flammable materials, direct flame contact exposure, and aerial fire embers/brands igniting flammable materials.3 Thoughtful wildfire risk reduction landscaping practices, annual maintenance and the use of fire-resistant home construction materials can greatly reduce wildfire risk within neighborhoods and communities in the WUI.
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