WUI QwikLinks
Partner Resources
Contact DNRC Forestry Management
Northwestern Energy - Wildfire Safety
Tri-County Firesafe Working Group
Fire Resistant Plants for Montana
Tree News
WUI - National Resources
For more information on Firewise landscape plant materials please visit your local nursery.
Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
The wildland urban interface (WUI), refers to the area where forest, shrub or grasslands meet housing or other developed areas. This rapidly expanding area is becoming riskier to develop and live in. Increasing human population and development paired with longer more intense fire seasons necessitate more focused fire management planning to protect both the public and firefighting crews. Montana is one of four major western states that are working to reduce the risk of property damage and loss of human life through planning regulations and zoning policies. All the states have differing levels of jurisdictional intervention, as well as varying amounts of participation in risk reduction programs. Montana can lower that risk with the proper selection of trees and plants to help reduce if not stop the spread of fire in these expanded developed areas. All the partners in this project hope that the following information will help Montanans make informed decisions for future growth.

Use the Wildland Urban Interface QwikLinks at the left to access WUI information from the partners above.

The following resources have been made possible by grant funding from the USDA Forest Service and partnership with the Montana DNRC, in collaboration with Tri-County Firesafe Working Group and Montana Urban and Community Forestry Association (MUCFA) to provide wildland urban interface services. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.